Sunday, May 18, 2008

Invercargills oldest resident

I'd like to introduce you to Henry! He's a very popular fellow, gets hundreds of visitors, has several girlfriends and now much to everyones delight He's producing lots of babies.
At present in the small display case there are 11 little fellows, very active dont know how old they are before they take life seriously and slow down. I have stood and watched Henry or one of the other older ones for 10 minutes and not seen even an eyelid move!
The Tuatara's natural habitat is Stephens Island in the Marlborough Sounds we are very lucky to have so many here at our local museum carefully looked after by an expert.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Another fun thing we did over the weekend, have you ever grown your own Dinasour?
We did.. we had an egg which we placed in a jar of warm water then waited! that was hard, we put it up on a shelf so they could still keep a close eye on it without having to have a touching look every time! It took about 12 hours for the egg to begin to crack open so was great excitement in the morning to find his head poking out!!

By the time we were to take them home on Monday afternoon he was big enough to stay out of the water.. Taylor was hoping he would have sticky up bits on his back like Henry at the museum but sorry he didn't.

Mothers Day

A lovely bunch of flowers from the girls and their families. thankyou very much.

And it was a Grandmas day too as we had Taylor and Mitchell in to stay for the weekend!.

They enjoyed helping to make a cake for their Mum for Mothers day, especially the icing and decorations! and licking the bowls!!..